Sunday, October 17, 2010

Crystal Structure of LEXA Protein in 3D

To view this structure at every angle, we must open it in rasmol

The Protein Data Bank (PDB) is a repository for the 3-D structural data of large biological molecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids. The data, typically obtained by X-ray crystallography or NMR spectroscopy and submitted by biologists and biochemists from around the world, are freely accessible on the internet. The PDB is overseen by an organization called the Worldwide Protein Data Bank, wwPDB.
The PDB is a key resource in areas of structural biology, such as structural genomics. Most major scientific journals, and some funding agencies, such as the NIH in the USA, now require scientists to submit their structure data to the PDB. If the contents of the PDB are thought of as primary data, then there are hundreds of derived (i.e., secondary) databases that categorize the data differently. For example, both SCOP and CATH categorize structures according to type of structure and assumed evolutionary relations; GO categorize structures based on genes.

RasMol is a computer program written for molecular graphics visualization intended and used primarily for the depiction and exploration of biological macromolecule structures, such as those found in the Protein Data Bank. It was originally developed by Roger Sayle in the early 90s.

RasMol includes a language (for selecting certain protein chains, or changing colors etc). Jmol and Sirius has incorporated the RasMol scripting language into its commands.
Protein Databank (PDB) files can be downloaded for visualization from the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB) bank. These have been uploaded by researchers who have characterized the structure of molecules usually by X-ray crystallography or NMR spectroscopy.

Classification Hydrolase
Structure Weight45527.49
Scientific NameThermotoga maritima

To download the installer, you click here. To obtain different structure of protein, this link can fulfill your needs.

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